Brian S. Earthman, MD, is a psychiatrist and addiction medicine specialist focusing on adult mental health and substance abuse treatment. Dedicated to ensuring patients experience whole health after treatment, Dr. Earthman’s goal is to guide patients to wellness using a comprehensive treatment approach that includes TMS, medication, counseling, and Alpha-Stim™ therapy. He has been certified and trained by the Clinical TMS Society (CTMSS) since 2018.
Dr. Earthman graduated from the University of Texas at Austin, receiving a bachelor’s degree in biology. He then attended Texas Tech School of Medicine, where he received his medical degree. Dr. Earthman completed his residency in the department of psychiatry at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio in 2005. He is also a diplomat of the American Board of Addiction Medicine.
Beacon Behavioral Health Partners: At Beacon Behavioral Health, we Partner with top-tier mental health practices to support their growth and success. We prioritize preserving your clinical independence and brand while streamlining administrative tasks, allowing you to focus on delivering exceptional care to your patients.